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TA Facility

Technical Assistance Facility

About us

The Common Fund for Commodities’ Technical Assistance Facility team partners with impact-oriented investment funds in the agricultural commodities sector to leverage the development impact and commercial sustainability of their investments into agribusinesses in the developing world. The TA Facility team comprises expertise in tropical agriculture, agroforestry, project management and impact assessment, and is being assisted by CFC financial and administrative colleagues. By leveraging this expertise, the TA Facility team aims to improve the operational capacity and profitability of targeted agribusinesses and partner institutions through providing expert consultancy and capacity development support and ensuring knowledge dissemination on agriculture and agri-finance, with a specific focus on smallholder supply chains and sourcing models.

Capacity development measures may consist of support through hands-on and customized services to investees, including, scientific studies, impact evaluations, community development projects, market/value chain analyses and feasibility studies, salary subsidies for company key positions, outgrower scheme development, and the development and implementation of Social and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS).

Currently, the Common Fund for Commodities TA Facility team manages two separate facilities, the Africa Agriculture Trade and Investment Fund (AATIF) Technical Assistance Facility and the Moringa Investment Fund Agroforestry Technical Assistance Facility (ATAF), with projects spanning across Latin America and Africa.

The Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF) Technical Assistance Facility

The mission of the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF) is to realize the potential of Africa’s agricultural production and related manufacturing, service provision and trade through sustainable investments across the entire value chain. By providing financing where it is most needed, the Fund aims to contribute to inclusive growth and environmental sustainability increasing productivity, primary agricultural production, local processing, trade, employment, local value addition, knowledge transfer, and resilience, for the benefit of farmers, entrepreneurs and workers, men and women alike.

AATIF is guided by principles of sustainability and additionality, combining development and market orientation. It does so by directly financing economically sound projects and by refinancing local financial intermediaries, such as banks. With this approach, AATIF also strives to assist the local financial sector in offering more reliable and sustainable solutions for smallholder farmers, cooperatives, and commercial farms.

Parallel to AATIF, technical assistance resources are made available through the AATIF Technical Assistance Facility ("TA Facility"). Among other tasks, the TA Facility (i) provides investment-specific support to Partner Institutions and Final Beneficiaries, and (ii) promotes compliance with the Fund's Social and Environmental Policy and AATIF’s Development Policy Statement.


Countries in Africa where AATIF TA Facility projects are implemented


Total TA funds pledged to AATIF TA projects


Total number of agribusinesses and financial institutions that have received AATIF TA support


Total number of AATIF TA projects approved

The Moringa Investment Fund Agroforestry Technical Assistance Facility (ATAF)

The Agroforestry Technical Assistance Facility (ATAF) was created by Moringa Partnership to provide technical assistance in relation to investments of the Fund with the goal to amplify and upscale positive environmental and social impacts triggered through Moringa investments. Moringa is a partnership between Edmond de Rothschild Private equity and ONF International. Moringa advocates agroforestry to enable a transition toward sustainability: advancing ecologically intensive agriculture while contributing to local development and economically viable business development.

ATAF is a grant-based mechanism parallel to the investment of the Moringa Fund. ATAF’s vision is to become a unique and innovative tool to remove the barriers to the development of viable agroforestry systems and the inclusion of smallholders in pioneering outgrowing scheme. By providing farmers with access to training, supporting innovative research and development programs and by assisting commercial initiatives, ATAF will create an enabling environment to increase the resilience of farmers and landscapes in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.


Countries in Africa and Latin America where ATAF projects are implemented


Total funds pledged to ATAF projects


Total number of investees supported by ATAF


Total number of ATAF projects approved



Pioneering the Rainforest Alliance certification of cashew in Mozambique

Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria – certification examples in the cocoa and soybean value chains

Empowering Zambia with its first plant-based milk factory: AATIF investee Two Six Zero Brands paves the way

Understanding commodity value chains in Mozambique: the example of cashew

Publication of the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF) Annual Report 2021/22

The AATIF TA Facility: An overview of 2021

Supporting Financial Institutions in Kenya and Nigeria to improve Environmental and Social Governance through Technical Assistance measures